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Graduate Programs

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皇冠博彩app数学系提供应用与工业博士学位 数学,以及几个领域的硕士学位,包括分析、运算选项 research & statistics, and industrial mathematics. Our graduate program designs each student's program around his or her interests.

The MS degree program ofers three options. The MS degree in mathematics is a flexible 该课程允许学生专攻纯数学和应用数学的许多领域. 数学硕士(运筹学和统计学)面向学生 谁想专攻运筹学和统计学. The MS in mathematics 工业数学的重点是为学生谁希望专攻 industrial mathematics.


General Description

工业和商业为高等数学的应用提供了许多领域, 以及数学家做出重大贡献的许多可能性. New Mexico 科技公司提供了一个项目,让学生为这些机会做好准备. Students need a 在数值分析,微分方程和统计学的基本背景 the undergraduate level. 


MS in Mathematics with Specialization in Analysis

PhD in Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Graduate Minors

皇冠博彩app奖励未成年人的第二学习领域. While the number 辅修学分的要求因系而异,最低为18学分 credit hours is required. You must declare a minor and be assigned a minor advisor prior to completing the coursework for the minor.